Images of a time gone by ... with a sense of place for today


My Work at Luxury Row

My work is on display until December 1, 2013. This series is all about the whimsy of everyday objects. All pieces measure 7" x 7" and are priced at $300.


Luxury Row and Cedar Street Galleries presents the 8th Annual Hawaii's Modern Masters

I am so honored to be participating in this event. I hope you can join me on November 7th, or take some time during the run of the show, to come down and see the amazing work that I am grateful to be showing with. I am elevated by these artists.


summer accomplishments

Its been a productive summer so far....with some amazing future projects in the finalizing phase. Most immediately, three great big pieces are headed off to Japan to adorn a new "branch" of a wonderful local restaurant. Also, I'm excited to announce that two of my paintings have been selected to be in one of our local banks annual calendar (a big deal here)! One of those paintings, "Men of Taro" is presented above.


Some New Work

I have been busy enjoying the new found time to paint...getting back into the groove took me longer than I expected...but after three years of not really having enough time to paint, I guess that is no surprise!

So here are two new pieces...both inspired by the North Shore of Oahu and a brief "staycation" the hubs and I took! i hope you like them.

They will be added to the "Land and Sea" Gallery of the website shortly.

Apr192013 it what you will...but I am re-energized!

Life has taken me down some twisting roads over the last few years. As many of you may know, the changes in the economy a few years back forced me to make the difficult decision to leave my "painting 7 days a week" life and work outside the studio. Although I had the best of intentions, the true calling went by the wayside. that's okay...practical matters like paying bills take precedence. I painted enough to keep in the game, but maybe not necessarily enough to keep at the top of my game.

Well it finally became time to make some changes 6 months ago. Moved to a new job at a gallery (Cedar Street Galleries) that is 5 minutes from home and more flexible in the hours that I spend there. It took me some time to get back into the swing of things again, but once I got back into the painting groove, my creative juices really started flowing again!

In the next few days I will upload what I have been up to lately, and get this website rev-ed up again! In thr meantime, here is a sample of what I have been up to lately! Thank you for sticking with me!