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Laboring on Labor Day - and my odd reason for liking holidays

I love holidays...but not for the typical reasons.  I'm not big on big picnics in the park (or the inherent preparation involved with that (what kind of "holiday" is that?)...or making them the few times of the year that you spend with relatives (I'd rather do that all year long!)....no...I love holidays because the phone doesn't ring, the leaf blowers are silent, the din of the dumptruck back-up beep across the way isn't echoing throughout the valley...in essence...quiet...peaceful, bird-chirping quiet!

This is when I get my best work done.  And when I'm saying that I'm "laboring on Labor Day" it is truly a labor of love.  Painting is what I do for a living, but I do live to paint, so is that really work? 

I hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday, in whatever form or fashion works best for you...enjoy your beach time, picnic time, hammock time, as much as I am enjoying my quiet time!!!  Its back to it tomorrow!!!

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Reader Comments (1)

Hmmm... looks like coming down Nuuanu Pali! I'm with you: it's all about the silence, or nature's version of noise. :) I'm up early in the morning for just that reason -- quiet time! For you it provides inspriation for what you're doing. For the record, Twitter brought me here. Think I'll hang around a little!

September 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEvelyn

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